Since September 2012 for two-year GCSE courses, all external exams will have to be taken at the end of the course – with the opportunity for retakes in November due to the importance of subjects for ongoing academic education.

The Schools White Paper, ‘The Importance of Teaching’ – reported that the government was seeking the advice of Ofqual (The Independent Qualifications Regulator) on changes to restore confidence in GCSEs. These changes include a return to exams taken at the end of the course, and measures to improve the assessment of spelling, punctuation and grammar.
With the new information on changes since 2012 in mind, we have now tailored our GCSE Maths and Science tutoring to fit new criteria and to any other changes that have occurred ongoing since 2012.

What you can expect from us:
• Up-to-date advice and guidance
• A reliable and bespoke tutoring service
• An independent tutoring service
• Very reasonable fees
• A good record for past achievers
• A local Birmingham service
Do you have a younger child soon to take their 11+ in Birmingham?
As you may have gathered in our name, apart from GCSE Science and Maths, we offer a specialist tutoring servicing catering for the pupil that wishes to pass their 11+ examinations. For further information on all our tutoring, just get in contact with us.